Monday, September 30, 2019

Economic Growth and environmental problems Essay

The industrial revolution, which began around 1750, ushered human beings into a new era of modern civilization. While the remarkable progress in science and technology has improved people’s lives greatly, our earth is changing and the environment around us is becoming worse and worse. According to Booth (1991, p.552), the† long-run economic growth relies on the creation of new industries and new forms of economic activity, these new forms of economic activity create new kinds of environmental problems†. Focusing on these aspects, the economic growth will bring about serious environmental problems such as water pollution, air pollution, ozone depletion, and acid rain. One of environmental problems is water pollution that is caused by economic growth and is very widespread and serious in the world. Industrial wastewater is one of the water pollution that people are focusing on nowadays. As we know, with economic growth, there must be setting up more industrial factories in order to satisfy people’s needs. On the other hand, more or less, these industrial factories will drain off wastewater; as we know, these wastewater contain many toxic and harmful chemical substances, such as, SO2, NO, waste gases and some other aromatic compounds. Therefore, we can see that the rapid growth of the urban industry and the high speed of economic development caused a great deal of effect on water pollution especially on industrial wastewater. In addition, with the rapid economic growth, some out of date used water supply systems in developing countries can result in water pollution, especially in the populous mega-cities. The population in developing country mega-cities is increasing so fast that the piped water supply and sewer systems cannot follow the needs of the increasing population. Many sewer networks in developing countries still stay at the standard of colonial period. Therefore, most rivers and canals in developing countries are seriously polluted by untreated waste, sewage and toxic chemicals. Some rivers like the Teito River in Sao Paolo and the Huangpu River in Shanghai have become lifeless rivers (Rampal &Sinding, 1996). As the same time that  the surface water is polluted, various wastes also seriously defile ground water. In the Journal â€Å"2000, Planets Earth at the Crossroads’, the author Jim Motavalli showed â€Å"in developing countries, more than one-third of people lack access to clean water†(1999). Meanwhile, water pollution also aggravates water shortages. With rapid economic growth, the increasing human activity is the major reason for air pollution, especially on global warming, acid rain and smog. Obvious climate changes are the results of a great deal of human-caused greenhouse gas emission. In order to satisfy the needs of continued population and economic growth, people burn more fossil fuel to get enough energy and use more fertilizer on farmland to plant more crops. In these processes, lots of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (NO) are released in to the atmosphere. These gases are generally called greenhouse gases because they can absorb infrared radiation reflected from the earth surface and create â€Å"Greenhouse Effect†. According to Rogers & Feiss (1998,p.301), with the increasing atmosphere concentration of CO2 and CH4 since 1800, the average temperature of the earth rose about 0.5 C during the 19th century, which is about 20 times the natural temperature change. And based on the prediction of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (in Rogers & Feiss, 1998, p.301) in early 1996, the global temperature will increase from 2 C to 6 C by the year 2100. Some evidence supports that the prediction about global warming is true. For example, except for1991 and 1992, the rest eight years from 1985 to1995 have become the hottest years of the past century; among this decade, the average temperature in 1995 was 0.07 C higher than in 1994. With this rising rate, the global temperature will increase over 7 C by the end of the 21st century (Rogers & Feiss, 1998, pp.300-302). Thus, we can how the global temperature has been changed by increasing human activities accompanied by fast economic growth during past 200 years. Global warming may result in some serious consequences, such as the expansion of tropical desert and arid regions; the reduction of agricultural production in tropical area; the increase of sea level; population migration from coastlines to inland; and abnormal weather including more tropical  storm, blizzards, and droughts and so on. The increasing emission of greenhouse gases will continue to affect the global worming more obvious than before. Up to now, people had no idea how to solve these potential environmental problems that will be caused by global warming. Widespread acid rain and smog comes from burning large amount of oil and coal. All kinds of automobiles, factories, industrial boilers, power plants as well as heating devices of households emit thousands tons sulfur dioxide(SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide(CO) and ozone(O3) into the atmosphere everyday. When SO2 and NO2 dissolve in rainwater and increase rainwater acidity, acid rain is formed. Acid rain can acidify many lakes and streams, and it kills all kinds of fish; it also can erode soil and make plants die. Now, in the eastern United States, eastern Canada, as well as Europe, the problem of acid rain is severe. On the other hand, these gases compound with water and dust in the atmosphere, and then form smog. Smog usually stays in the populous mega-cities and contributes to lung decease. 100 years ago, London was famous for its smog. Now, most of the 20 largest cities in the world have smog problem to some degree. Human-caused air pollution is threatening peopleâ⠂¬â„¢s health and our environment. People have entered the new millennium. The global environment has been changing over time due to rapid economic growth. Meanwhile, the economic growth will be ongoing. It is difficult to control the environmental problems that caused by economic growth although people are trying to make some policies to limit and minimize these serious problems. Up to now, rapidly increasing economic growth has seriously influenced the earth environment. All activities are due to the need of population growth and economic development. With economic growth continuing, the environment will worsen. Therefore, to reduce the world’s environmental problems, it is important to control economic growth.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Mission San Diego de Alcalá

The Mission San Diego de Alcalà ¡ is the first of the many missions for which California is famous and is known today as the birthplace of California Christianity.   The first church in California, the mission began with a group of Spanish missionaries in 1769. Founded by Blessed Father Junipero Serra the mission proposed to serve Native Americans of the area. The Native Americans, which the mission proposed to serve, were wary initially at the newcomers. The initial mission structure was built close to the water. Later, the mission would construct a more permanent structure inland, about 5 miles away. The new structured was demolished in an attack by native Americas and the mission was moved back inland some years later. Mission San Diego de Alcalà ¡ and church of today were completed by the early 1800’s. The Mission San Diego de Alcalà ¡ is the first of more than twenty such mission build by the Spanish to serve the Native Americans. The Native Americans have been called by different names throughout history. Originally known as Kumeyaay and Yuma, they were later called Mission Indians or Diegueno. The Kumeyaay were a nomadic group who had never seen cloth until the missionaries arrived. In 1976, Pope Paul VI designates the Mission San Diego de Alcalà ¡Ã‚  Ã‚   as a Minor Basilica. The mission today is an active Diocese of San Diego parish. The mission housed many of the Native Americans, who lived and worked at the mission and grew crops including; corn, barley and grapes. Cattle and sheep in addition to horses were also raised on the mission compound. In the late 1700’s, the mission began to construct a system of aqueducts to bring water to the area and assure successful farming. This was the first irrigation project in this region of California. When California became part of the Untied States, the mission was used for military purposes and then in 1863, President Lincoln gave all of the mission properties to the Roman Catholic Church. At that time The Mission San Diego de Alcalà ¡ was in ruins. Restoration of the mission began in the late 1800’s. In 1900, the land Marks Club of California provided funding, along with other organizations to restore the mission. They worked with local architects to begin stabilizing the mission buildings. Originally build with adobe, the mission buildings were reinforced with concrete during this time in an attempt to add stability and strength.   One of the most famous elements of the mission in the Bell Tower. Today’s Bell Tower has one of the original bells form the early mission. When the Bell Tower was originally constructed it had a central function to the operation of the mission, as clocks were not yet part of everyday life.   Bells were used to signal time for gather for meals, church work and other functions. These restoration efforts were followed by work from other civic groups and school who viewed the mission as historical landmarks and were committed to painstaking and accurate preservation.   The restoration was wrought with financial problems and was not completed until the 1940’s at which time the church became an active parish. Today the mission serves also as a place of historical display and entertains frequent visitors. The site provides the history of both the Native American in the region and the European influence. References The California Mission Site. Ed. The Civic Group. 24 Sept. 1998. Bevil, Alexander D. The Sacred and the profane: The Restoration of Mission San Diego de Alcala. The Journal of San Diego History, Summer 1992, Volume 38, Number 3. History of San Diego de Alcalà ¡ Mission http://www.acces

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Blood Transfusion

The purpose of this module is to teach the clinical RN the basics of blood, how to administer a blood/blood component transfusion safely, and the hazards of transfusion related to blood administration. This module is indicated for teaching purposes based on the fact that the NHS requires at least quarterly review of blood usage, oversight of blood transfusion practices, documentation of blood transfusion errors, and evidence of corrective actions taken. Results of one study found that individuals lack of knowledge and training, along with inadequate policies and procedures, were the key elements in more than 350 blood transfusion-associated deaths (Bower amp; Craig, 1997) What is a Blood Transfusion? A blood transfusion is a safe, common procedure in which blood is given to you through an intravenous (IV) line in one of your blood vessels. Blood is transfused either as whole blood (with all its parts) or, more often, as individual parts. The individual parts include red blood cells, platelets, clotting factors, and plasma. Each year, almost 5 million Americans amp; British need a blood transfusion. While most blood transfusions go well, mild complications can occur and serious problems may develop. The Individual Parts Defined Red Blood Cells -the most numerous blood cell, about 5,000,000 per microliter. Red blood cells make up about 40% of our total blood volume, a measure called the hematocrit. Their color is caused by hemoglobin, which accounts for nearly all of the red cell volume. Hemoglobin is the critical protein that transports oxygen from our lungs to the tissues. Red blood cells are normally shaped as round, biconcave discs. Red Blood Cells Image obtained from http://embryology. med. unsw. edu. au/Notes/heart20. htm) Platelets -the smallest of the three major types of blood cells, are only about 20% of the diameter of red blood cells and the normal platelet count is ~150,000-350,000 per microliter of blood. The principal function of platelets is to prevent bleeding. Platelets (Image obtained from http://ouhsc. edu/platelets/Platelets/platelets%20intro. html) Clotting Factors -proteins in the blood that control bleeding. Plasma -a pale yellow fluid that consists of about 92% water and 8% other substances, such as proteins, ions, nutrients, gases, and waste products. It is a colloidal solution which is a liquid containing suspended substances that do not settle out of solution. Most of the suspended substances are plasma proteins, which include albumins, globulins, and fibrinogen. Plasma volume remains relatively constant. Normally, water intake through the digestive tract closely matches water loss through the kidneys, lungs, digestive tract, and skin. Plasma (which is in the yellow) Image obtained from : http://www. mhhe. com/biosci/esp/2001_saladin/folder_structure/tr/m1/s2/ Brief History of Blood Transfusions 665 The first Blood transfusions of record take place. Animal experiments conducted by Richard Lower, an Oxford physician started as dog-to-dog experiments and proceeded to animal-to-human over the next two years. Dogs were kept alive by the transfusion of Blood from other dogs. 1795 In Philadelphia an American physician, Philip Syng Physick, performed the first known human Blood transfusion, although it was not published. 1818 James Blundell, a British obstetrician, performed the first successful transfusion of human Blood to a patient for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage. Therefore, a group A individual can receive blood only from individuals of groups A or O (with A being preferable), and can donate blood to individuals with type A or AB. * Group B – has only the B antigen on red cells (and A antibody in the plasma). Therefore, a group B individual can receive blood only from individuals of groups B or O (with B being preferable), and can donate blood to individuals with type B or AB. * Group AB – has both A and B antigens on red cells (but neither A nor B antibody in the plasma). Therefore, an individual with type AB blood can receive blood from any group (with AB being preferable), but can donate blood only to another type AB individual. * Group O – has neither A nor B antigens on red cells (but both A and B antibody are in the plasma). Therefore, a group O individual can receive blood only from a group O individual, but can donate blood to individuals of any ABO blood group (i. e. A, B, O or AB). If anyone needs a blood transfusion in an extremely dire emergency, and if the time taken to process the recipients blood would cause a detrimental delay, O Negative blood can be issued. Blood Administration * Obtain Signed Consent for the administration of blood products * Check the Drs Order * Determine Clients Allergies and previous transfusion reactions (this can be assessed by simply asking the client if they have had a transfusion before and how they tolerated it) * Obtain baseline vitals and then per hospital/institution policy * Utilize #18 gauge needle * Check Crossmatch Record With 2 Nurses: * ABO- Group * RH Type * Clients Name, Date of Birth and Medical Number * Expiration Date * Administer Immediately- do not store the blood or leave it. If for any reason the blood/blood components are not to be hung, blood may be sent back to Blood Bank (check hospital policy and procedure as most institutions require that blood/blood products must be administered within 30 minutes upon receipt) * Do not warm the blood unless there is a risk of hypothermic response- Then Only by specific blood warming equipment * Never add any medications to blood products * Infuse each unit over 3-4 hours but no longer than 4 hours   Transfusion Reactions Occurs in the first 10-15 minutes or first 50 cc of Blood Reactions can be ALLERGIC, FEBRILE, or HEMOLYTIC (Utilize the Acronym AFH for memorization purposes)   ALLERGIC Signs and Symptoms include the following: * Facial flushing * Hives * Rash FEBRILE Signs and Symptoms include the following: * Fever * Chills * Anxiety * Headache * Tachycardia * Tachypnea HEMOLYTIC Signs and Symptoms include the following: * v Blood Pressure * Tachypnea * Fever * Chills * Apprehension * Headache * Tachycardia * Chest Pain or Lower Back Pain Recent Facts amp; Statistics Regarding Transfusions * Hemolytic transfusion reactions occur in 1 per 40,000 transfused units of packed RBCs. Nonhemolytic febrile reactions and minor allergic reactions are the most common transfusion reactions, each occurring in 3-4% of all transfusions. Nonhemolytic febrile reactions and extravascular hemolysis are observed more commonly in patients who have developed antibodies from prior transfusions. * Anaphylactic reactions occur in 1 per 20,000 transfused units. * Due to improved preventative measures, the incidence of GVH disease is less than 0. 15% * Transfusion-related acute lung injury complicates 0. 1-0. 2% of all transfusions. Risk of transfusion-related hepatitis B is 1 per 50,000 units transfused. Risk for hepatitis C is 1 per 3000-4000 units transfused. * Risk of transfusion-related HIV infection is 1 per 150,000 units transfused. (Kardon, 2009) What do you do if you suspect a Transfusion Reaction? STOP the transfusion immediately * Maintain the line with Normal Saline VERIFY patient identification * Hospital armband, Typenex band, and blood bag must be identical NOTIFY the patients physician STAT * Treat the signs per Drs order and Monitor Vitals * If requested by the physician, initiate transfusion reaction work up NOTIFY Blood Bank STAT Check the Policies/Procedures of the facility at which you are employed * You may have to bag the blood component, IV tubing, filters and all labels in a biohazard bag and it may have to be submitted/returned back to the laboratory as further testing of the components may be clinically warranted (It is a standard policy at Maricopa Medical Center that those components are submitted back to the lab as routine Microbiology cultures are performed to ensure the sterility of the blood) * Additional forms may be required to complete (i. . Transfusion Reaction Forms) * Further samples may be collected from the patient (i. e. Urine, blood samples, etc.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Shaping An Individual As A Person And as A Learner Essay

Shaping An Individual As A Person And as A Learner - Essay Example You teach, you should be more goal focused, and you cannot be a good teacher with a bad plan, and it does not mean that having a good plan makes you a good teacher definitely† (Wiggins, 2013). In every sense, curriculum design and implementation shapes an individual as a person and learns. It is evident that curriculum designs can have the profound influence on the lives of students and learners. It may also affect the approach that students have towards life and how they approach life in general. Basically, proper curriculum designs and their effective implementation will positively impact the lives of student and learners. This being the case, the vice versa is true. When I was a kid, I had an experience unlike any of my classmates then. When I was in lower primary school, Most of the mates with whom I was schooling liked reading a lot. It was hard for me to be found studying on my own; much of the things I was interested in related to science, especially physical science. I loved science so much that my dream was always to be a scientist. I liked the practical bits of almost all lessons, including the Physical Education lessons. I never was interested in history and such lessons which demanded that I spend much time reading. This was due to the fact that my teacher used science as an approach to almost all subjects, thus I increasingly disliked non science based subjects. This was advantageous to me since I loved the scientific approach, but was a headache to most of my mates who did not have science related careers as their aspirations. This was in a way not addressing the general students whose likeliness of doing the sciences was low. â€Å"Jesuit’s curriculum  is structured to develop disciplined habits, to stimulate critical thinking, and to develop the skills necessary for the expression of that thinking. The school strives to instill five characteristics in its students. The goal is to educate our young men to be open to growth, intellectually competent.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Corporation with cash and the economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Corporation with cash and the economy - Essay Example We created a crisis in our minds that no fiscal and monetary tools of lowering interest rates and pumping more money can solve this economic woe. Even if there is enough money, people will adopt a conservative stance and will not spend it thus contracting the economy making government intervention pointless. This is truer with big business which was able to generate that much savings because it did not spend the money it earned from lowering its cost from downsizing its manpower and other cost-cutting measures and contributing significantly to the situation that we are in. This could be the worst form of an economic crisis-crisis of confidence. This crisis is horrible because it is psychological in nature that the traditional Keynesian solution will not work. If this situation will continue, it will not be far fetch that our economy will suffer a double dip crisis of which we may not be able to recover. It is easier said than done that had we had faith in our economy, we could have recovered already. There is available money that is enough to create jobs that will encourage domestic consumption to rehabilitate the economy. The government does not have to pump in precious taxpayers’ money in the system anymore for it to recover. We just created a fear that is debilitating us that sends a spiral of economic contagion which contracts our economy into an impending crisis. Savings may be good but when we are not using it out of fear to the effect that it contracts our economy, the effect is more catastrophic. So what is to be done? First, our policy makers must get their acts together to inspire confidence that our economy will be going somewhere. The recent debacle over the debt ceiling fueled that conservatism which is hampering our recovery. Second, we must do our part as citizens of this great country. That includes big business and us,

Research Narrative Sir Isaac Newton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research Narrative Sir Isaac Newton - Essay Example To begin my search, I went to the Internet and entered 'Sir Isaac Newton' into Google. As was to be expected, the number of entries was enormous. I began by looking at Wikipedia and a short biography by Alfred Hall. In reading these two web site entries, I became interested in Newton's religious views and how these compared to his scientific understanding. Newton lived in an age of considerable discord between the church and science and it seemed like a topic worthy of further research. Though the information I had gained from Wikipedia and the biography were helpful, they were simply web sites and the information's accuracy may be questionable. There was also simply not enough information on his religious views to be very helpful. I planned my next phase of research to be focused on finding credible resources that dealt with Newton's seemingly contradictory religious and scientific views of the universe. I again went to and entered 'Isaac Newton religion'. Again, there were a vast number of entries. I went to the web site and found some writings by a professor of History of Science and Technology at University of King's College in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In one of his writings he comments on some recently discovered writings of Newton and says, "Leaving behind four million words on theology, Newton was one of the greatest lay theologians of his age. A study of Newton's theology and prophetic views illuminates the life of this great thinker and helps us understand his science" (Snobelen b.). These words directed me towards the newly discovered works of Newton and the site provided several links to articles. In reviewing the links from the web site, I decided to look for articles that were focused on the topic and were from reliable sources. I would restrict my searches to journals, university papers, and edited material that had been professionally reviewed. I was looking for fact and not opinion. I wanted articles that quoted Newton or gave some factual basis for the information they offered. I reviewed a 1999 article that appeared in the British Journal of History and Science. It was a lengthy article that spoke about Newton's dual nature of science and religion. The author claimed that Newton was a devout Christian that believed the church should be reformed and returned to its roots. Yet, we only have recently discovered that Newton was very religious. Why had he not made this known during his lifetime According to Haynes writing in the Religion of the Bible and the Religion of the Pulpit Compared, published in 1747 in London, " was fear of persecution and pressures from orthodoxy that stilled Newton's tongue, weakened his zeal and prevented him from leading this return to primitive Christianity" (qtd. in Snoleben a. 391). This was evidence that was written in the age of Newton that suggested he was under pressure from the church to not create a controversy. I had found and verified that Newton was a religious scientist and wanted to find out more specifically what his viewpoint of the universe and creation was. On the website I found a link to the Newton Project Canada. This was a web site sponsored by King's College in Canada that had made Newton's private manuscripts available to the public. At the Newton Project, there were numerous original works by Newton available. I found

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Globalisation - Poverty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Globalisation - Poverty - Essay Example In this number 400 million people were in absolute poverty and about 173 million people in the People’s Republic of China. On a percentage basis on regional wise, the sub-Saharan Africa region takes 47 percent that is the world highest incidence rate of absolute poverty. This is a global challenge since even in developed countries there are there are cases of people living in abject poverty. According to report that was given by UNICEF estimatethat half of the worlds children about 1.1 billion live in poverty (Kerbo, 2006, pp 34-79). Before the industrial revolution, poverty was accepted as an inevitable where economies produced little wealth scarce, Poverty reduction is the responsibility of every person living on earths surface using the best formulate methods where food as the most basic necessity should be increased, advanced agricultural technologies such as the use of nitrogen fertilizers, new irrigation techniques, fast growing new seeds and formulation of new pesticides have helped to reduce food shortage in modern times we are living in hence boosting yields. However, even with these new products the people who are categorized as the poor need to access them, improved transport infrastructure and roads to the interior will open up most of these places. Giving example of African countries, it cost more to move fertilizer from an African port that is located only about sixty miles inland, as compared to ship it from United States to Africa mainly because of low quality roads which are sparse, leading to t he cost of the same fertilizer costing twice the world average cost. Countrys no not need to gain wealth to gain wealth, since every country, however, small has its strengths they need to strategize in maximization of those strengths to make more opportunities to convert them in the source of wealth that will benefit its citizens (Kerbo, 2006, pp 34-79). Connectively, of basic

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How Can an Understanding of Micro- And Macro- Economic Help Business Essay

How Can an Understanding of Micro- And Macro- Economic Help Business Deal with Their Market Situation and Their External Environment - Essay Example This paper illustrates that among micro-economic theory, one of the most important concepts is supply and demand analysis that is related to analyzing the supply and demand graph to measure the shift of the graph. It is necessary to explain these concepts before describing their importance for businesses. Supply and demand analysis of a business implies looking at the two variables of supply and demand. Demand can be defined as a phenomenon in which consumers agree on a certain amount of goods to purchase at a particular price. Therefore, demand is determined by various factors among which price of goods are an important factor as a law of demand states that high price of goods cause consumers to demand less and vice versa. However, supply is the quantity of goods that the manufacturers are agreed on selling at a certain price. According to a law of supply, the high price enables manufacturers to sell more whereas low price makes them manufacture less quantity of goods. Thus the supp ly and demand determine the businesses operations and helps them make important decisions about their selling of products. The supply and demand have a close relationship with concepts of equilibrium and elasticity. Equilibrium can be defined as the condition in which both consumers and manufacturers agree on a certain price on which goods would be sold or purchased. However, the concept of elasticity implies the responsiveness of consumers and manufacturers toward the change in some variable. For instance, the change in the price of a good affects the consumers and firms to lead them to make a decision. There are numerous factors that are related to the concept of elasticity such as a price of a good, income of consumer or cross-elasticity of supply and demand.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Marketing project Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing project - Coursework Example Lipton tea was founded by the late 19th century. The founder of Lipton tea was Sir Thomas Lipton. He resided in Glasgow, Scotland. His organization made its mark gradually across Britain and then throughout the world. Lipton Tea came under the acquisition of the Unilever organization after a lot of transactions in the year 1972. Unilever is the main source that brought the Lipton business at a global level (Lipton | Unilever Global, 2010). There was a strong forecast in the year 2005 that the tea industry will be growing at a rapid rate in the coming years and analysis shows that the tea industry has been growing at a fast rate with still opportunities available for further growth with innovations and changing market trends occurring. Lipton Ice Tea has to be rejuvenated in the markets of United Kingdom with a new look and ad so that it can attract a lot of customers. There is a high market of tea lovers in the United Kingdom and it is because of two major factors. The first one is the need for consumers and secondly the health benefits provided by tea. The main competitor present for Lipton Ice Tea is the Nestle Refreshment Company. They have their product line of Nestle Ice tea in different flavors and it is a tough competitor for Lipton Ice Tea. The Nestle Refreshment Company also has agreements with Soda Company like Lipton- Unilever. The budgeting is allocated according to the promotional tools being used in the advertising plan of Lipton Ice Tea. The most successful and trustworthy methods of advertising are TV Ads, print ads, billboards, flyers and others. The advertising methods used have to be applied at the required level and therefore the advertising distribution would be as follows. While evaluating the advertising budget allocation for Lipton Tea, the projections of the organization should be carefully reviewed. The profiles of the target market should be reviewed and then the budget should be set

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Eighteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt Essay Example for Free

Eighteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt Essay Discuss the achievements of Hatshepsut on events and issues that she is remembered for in History and assess her legacy to the world. Hatshepsut was one of the most powerful women in the ancient world. She was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt and the first female pharaoh. She ruled longer than any other woman in Egyptian history. Hatshepsut was pharaoh for approximately twenty-one years, from 1479 BC–1458 BC. Hatshepsut’s successful reign brought wealth to her country she helped shape Egypt into a stronger nation in many ways. Hatshepsut has been widely regarded as one of the most successful pharaohs throughout time and has left behind more monuments and works of art than any Egyptian queen. Hatshepsut’s parents were both from a royal background, and her father (Thutmose I) was Pharaoh when she was born. When Thutmose I died, Hatshepsut was about 15 years old, and Thutmose II took over as pharaoh. Thutmose II died after only three or four years of rule but historians have thought that during the reign of Thutmose II, Hatshepsut may actually have been in power. Hatshepsut had had a daughter, named Neferure, but Thutmose II also had a son, named Asset. When Thutmose II died, Thutmose III was still too young to rule, and Hatshepsut began to reign, using the title â€Å"God’s Wife†. This was an issue Hatshepsut had to face as people doubted a woman as a leader but the popularity of her father and her own charismatic presence enabled her to become a full pharaoh seven years into the reign of Thutmose III. Hatshepsut achieved a lot, including expanding territory, broadening trade, building and restoring temples, and maintaining stable order in Egypt. Egyptologists believed that there were no wars in the time she ruled, although evidence is now growing to suggest that Hatshepsut did protect her country against others that were invading Egypt. She mostly focused her efforts on constructing buildings and making Egypt a stronger, wealthier nation through trade. Hatshepsut reestablished the trade networks after the invasion of the Hyksos (a group of mixed Semitic-Asiatics) and in the ninth year of her reign, Hatshepsut sent a number of ships on a trading expedition to the distant land of Punt, located in the South of Egypt. The Punt trade provided goods (such as frankincense, gold and myrrh) that were essential to Egypt’s economic development and Hatshepsut continued to promote these trips. Archeologists and historians have noted that these expeditions have been featured on the walls of Hatshepsut’s temples. These expeditions brought great wealth to Egypt and enabled Hatshepsut to initiate building projects. Hatshepsut was one of the most prolific builders in ancient Egypt, commissioning several projects throughout both Upper and Lower Egypt. Hatshepsut restored and renovated several old buildings that had been damaged or destroyed by invading armies before her reign. Hatshepsut had monuments constructed at the Temple of Karnak she also restored the original Precinct of Mut (a temple used to worship the goddess of Mut). Not only did she restore and renovate, but she also started several building programs, for example, she built the Temple of Pahket, which is an underground, cavernous shrine. She also built her mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri, which took 15 years to build is the most significant monument Hatshepsut has built. Egyptologists have assumed that Hatshepsut ruled a long, peaceful era but evidence is now growing to suggest that Hatshepsut was involved in warfare. The Deir el-Bahri mortuary temple provides us with fragments and inscriptions showing defensive military activity against the Ethiopians during Hatshepsuts reign. Hatshepsut was certainly prepared to fight to maintain the borders of her country and keep her country strong. In 1458 BC, when Thutmose III was due to rule, Hatshepsut disappeared with no evidence of how she died. Whether Thutmose III murdered her or not is not known. Hatshepsut’s tomb was destroyed and only her liver was found, preserved in a jar. It is likely that Thutmose III arranged for the removal of Hatshepsut’s name from all her constructions, but historians have found no accurate reasons of why Thutmose III did this. Hatshepsut showed to the world and her country that a woman was able to rule with great self-confidence and help bring wealth to their nation, her rise to the throne might have inspired others, such as Cleopatra. She would do anything for her country and was brave and charismatic. Hatshepsut left behind beautiful, sacred monuments promoting Egypt’s tourist industry and further more, bringing wonder to her country in the 21st century. Hatshepsut showed legacy to the world by taking charge and getting things done for the benefit of her country. She wasn’t one to stand around and rose to the throne with great confidence, showing her country that she was worthy to be a ruler. Hatshepsut left many monuments as her legacy, however, no construction work ordered by Hatshepsut is more remarkable or impressive than her mortuary temple complex at Deir el-Bahri, which took 15 years to build was found several centuries after its completion, buried beneath hundreds of tons of sand. Although some monuments have been destroyed, she showed to the world that she was a great leader and was appreciated by the people of her country. She has been remembered long after her death not only because of her physical legacy (through her monuments and projects), but also her legacy of success, peace and strategic ideas. This has been led to several makings of documentaries about her, including The Secrets of Egypt’s Lost Queen, which was aired on the discovery channel a few books have been written about her, such as Her Majesty the King by Patricia L ONeill. Hatshepsut was a great leader in Ancient Egypt and she showed confidence bravery to her country, as well as showing to the world that a woman was able to rule with charisma and courage.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Calling of Saul of Tarsus

The Calling of Saul of Tarsus A leading persecutor of Christians, Saul of Tarsus sought to destroy the Church (1 Cor. 15:9; Gal. 1:13, 23). Except for Jesus, no one influenced the early church more than Saul, also known as the apostle Paul. This paper will examine the circumstances and events prompting a zealous persecutor of the church to become the most influential leader for the spread of the Gospel to the Gentiles. It will be shown that the calling of Saul was a true conversion even though he was not moving from one religion to another. His calling emphasized change but emphasized the conviction that the final expression and intent of Judaism had been born. Paul was born a Jew, and was a citizen of Tarsus where he was a tentmaker by trade. He received his rabbinic training in Jerusalem, under the teaching of Gamaliel. According to Pauls own account, he was a strict adherent among Pharisees (Gal. 1:14, Phil. 3:5-6). Paul inherited Roman citizenship (Acts 22:2528), which was widely granted during the latter part of the Roman republic. Paul claims in Acts 22:28, that he had been born a Roman citizen. This would mean that he had inherited Roman citizenship from his father. Little is known of Pauls life prior to the events discussed in Acts. He is first mentioned in chapter 7 in connection with the execution of Stephen. According to Acts 7:58, the witnesses laid their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul. Paul was a Pharisee, a prominent young member of that sect. Steeped in the monotheism of the Old Testament Scriptures, he could only count as blasphemy the claims of Jesus disciples that their Master was the Son of God. He could only ridicule the issue of a life that terminated, as he thought, on a despised cross and in a gloomy sepulcher, rather than on a throne of glory. With regard to Pauls pre-Christian attitude to the gospel, one thing is certain; he was opposed to it with his whole heart. In his apostolic letters he speaks of his previous hatred for the church (Gal 1:13; Phil 3:6). His persecution of Christians was to him a holy war. The only explanation that can be given of his sudden reversal is that the risen Christ actually appeared to him and by the sheer persuasion of His deity, claimed the faith and allegiance of the persecutor. Pauls conversion/calling to the Way took place near the city of Damascus. Four characteristics stand out in the accounts of this event. First, Paul was actively engaged in persecuting Christians and did not anticipate his conversion (Acts 9:19; 22:416; 26:917). Second, the event that initiated the unexpected change of course was a revelation of Jesus Christ made to Paul alone. Third, Soon after this revelation Paul had contact with a certain Christian (Ananias) in Damascus who recognized Paul as a believer in Christ by baptizing him. Fourth, Paul was immediately called by Jesus to take the Gospel to the Gentiles (1 Cor. 9:1; 15:89; Gal. 1:1516; cf. Eph. 3:16). Pauls Damascus experience becomes the most famous conversion/calling in history. Suddenly he is blinded by a light from heaven the light of the glory of Christ. His surrender to Jesus was instantaneous and complete: What shall I do, Lord? (Acts 22:10). He could not see because of the glory of that light (Acts 22:11), but he had already seen the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6). The god of this world could blind him no longer. At his conversion/calling, Paul was commanded to open the eyes and turn them from darkness to light (Acts 26:18). Although Paul was blinded after his encounter with the Lord, Ananias laid hands on Paul, something like scales fell from his eyes (Acts 9:18), and he was able to see. He had first-hand knowledge and experience of turning from darkness to light, and his command from the Lord was as clear as his newly regained sight. Content to allude to Pauls blindness and recovery as historical events, Luke wishes by a sober narration of carefully selected facts to make it clear that Pauls meeting with Christ is not to be classed with other visions, however supernatural, but is to be accepted on a par with the other appearances of the Risen Lord. So Paul goes from opposing God and persecuting Jesus to joining the persecuted side. After spending several days with the disciples at Damascus, Saul went into the synagogues and boldly proclaimed Jesus, that he is the Son of God (Acts 9:20). Krister Stendahl argues that a proper interpretation of Romans 7 shows that Paul, as a loyal Jew, had experienced no struggle or guilt feelings that would have led him, through dissatisfaction with the law, to turn to Christ.Neither did he suffer from an introspective conscience..Stendahl prefers to regard him as someone who did not abandon his Jewishness for a new religion but, rather, as a Jew who was given a new vocation in service of the Gentiles. The description, in Acts, of Pauls sudden conversion on the road to Damascus is primarily the creation of Luke; Pauls biographer. Lukes description of Paul is not impartial biography either, for it was intended to dramatize the early churchs journey from Judea into the gentile world. In some ways Luke downplays Pauls claims, but he uses Pauls life and mission to illustrate the destiny of Christianity. Many of the details of Pauls life come from Luke since most biographical details are missing from Pauls own letters. Lukes description of Pauls conversion draws on the Hebrew Bible for themes of prophetic calling, paralleling the commissioning of Jeremiah (Jer. 1:5-11) and Isaiah (Isa. 6:1-9). Pauls calling, and ultimate conversion to Christianity, depicts the decisive change Paul experienced. Not only was Pauls conversion/calling remarkable with respect to his view of Jesus, but in his attitude toward Gentiles. Judaism is well known for its exclusivist attitude. It was unlawful for a Jew to have fellowship with one who is uncircumcised. Along with his conversion he received a prophetic commission to convert the gentiles. It is inadequate to speak only in terms of Pauls conversionas if he were moving from one religion to another; and likewise only in terms of his callas if he were continuing in an unaltered faith. The conversion-call combination emphasizes both continuity and change. Stendahl challenges the appropriateness of conversion language because Paul has not changed religions, that is, he never turns from loyalties to the God with which he began. While the answer might seem clear enough, working with Stendahls assumptions complicates the task; and furthermore, Luke nowhere explicitly defines conversion, nor provides a consistent pattern of entry into the church. When he does specify the means by which one joins the group, he is generally rounding out narrative portions which demonstrate the overarching effects of preaching. He does, however, offer sufficient material for us at least to consider the nature of a changed relationship with God, and ask whether the change constitutes conversion. Although we customarily label this experience Pauls conversion, this can be done only in retrospect, for at that time Judaism and Christianity were not yet separate religions. In reality, Paul changed brands of Judaism, switching from Pharisaic to Christian Judaism. On e of the main ways that Luke demonstrates Sauls changed relationship with God is to show this change in group affiliations. That is, while not an end in itself, his new corporate identity points to the ultimate reality underpinning his change. What is evident is the fact that the gospel message is beginning to extend beyond Jerusalem and Judea. Paul inhabits that world of Christianity which he formerly tried to exterminate through the killing of Stephen. However, it was Stephen and his circle, not Paul, who launched a mission to Gentiles. Pauls missionary enterprise is not framed in generalities, as it is in Acts 1:8 (to be my witnesses) and Acts 9:15 (to carry my name). In Acts 22 and 26, Paul is directed to testify specifically about what he has seen and heard on the road to Damascus. The missionary charge to preach before kings in Acts 9:15 is Lukes anticipation of the way he closed Pauls public ministry by having Paul preach before King Agrippa (Acts 26:1-32), and it is suggestive of a Pauline appearance before Caesar (cf. Acts 23:11, 25:10-12 and 27:23-24.) Since Paul is the great missionary to the Gentiles, it is appropriate that his conversion/call immediately precede the worldwide spread of the gospel. Hence, Luke introduces it immediately before the movement of the gospel into the Gentile world, as the conclusion to the Palestinian mission. What were the consequences of this event for Pauls theology? The most difficult question to solve was, What impact does the Christian Gospel have on the concept and observance of the Law (Torah)? This question is still disputed today. The basic problem is that Paul seems to be vacillating between two concepts of law, a Jewish concept and his own Christian concept. Paul called his new concept the law of Christ (Gal. 6:2). The law summarized the Scriptures in another way, by regarding the love command as the common denominator. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: you shall love your neighbor as yourself (Gal. 5:14). As Paul attempted to make sense of Christian theology, the Damascus event provided an unexpected answer to an old Jewish question: Is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of gentiles also? Because Christ ordered Paul to preach the gospel to the gentiles, Paul could now answer boldly: Yes, of Gentiles also Conclusion When reading Acts, one is struck by the immediacy of Pauls activity as an apologist and theologian for the Christian community after his conversion (Acts 9:20-22, 28-29). His theological views were already so profound as to be irrefutable by his first-century Jewish opponents (9:22). Neither the brevity of the Damascus event nor the three short days of blindness following it allowed for a new theological education. Therefore the encounter with Jesus must not have required the abandonment of his former learning, but informed and reoriented it toward a new understanding of salvation-history around some key theological point revealed to him in the event. It was Pauls conviction that if one read the Torah story, emphasizing it as a story of Gods works of salvation and righteousness for ancient Israel, then one could not escape seeing that God had wrought another salvation, and committed another righteousness, in Christ just like the ones of old but an even greater one ! Paul was so excited by his belief that God had committed a new, mighty act in Christ, that he just could not understand why everybody did not see it the way he did. For Paul, as for Jeremiah, it was a question of how you think. The New Testament contains six summaries of Pauls conversion experience (Acts 9:1-30; 22:1-21; 26:1-23; Gal. 1:13-17; 1 Cor. 15:8-10; Phil. 3:4-11). Paul also alludes to the event on the road to Damascus several times (Rom. 10:2-4; 1 Cor. 9:1, 16-17; 2 Cor. 3:4-4:6; 5:16; Eph. 3:1-13; Col. l:23-29). Those references emphasis the significance Paul placed on his conversion experience and for determining his ministry.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Changing of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Essay -- Legend Sleepy Hol

The Changing of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "Once upon a time" is the predictable beginning of a fairy tale and "happily ever after" is the ending. "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving is a classical myth that defies the conventional standards of a fairy tale. Set in a valley in New England, It's a gothic tale of mystery and suspense that bears no definite ending surrounding the myth of the "Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow" (Heath 1355). The original text created by Irving was intended for the mature reader, a reader who could understand a sense of irony, had knowledge of history, and taste. What of and how has "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" remained successful with audiences through a period of over one hundred and seventy years? The changes implemented in the text vary by editor from none to several, to create a family movie few changes were taken by Disney, but to create a mainstream movie the changes made by Director Tim Burton are many.    Over time the language of the original text of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Irving has been reworked to accommodate the change in audience. The Heath Anthology of American Literature has an unabridged version of the original wording (1354-1373). A complete copy of the original text of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" can be found in the young adolescent classic section of a bookstore or the juvenile section in the library. A juvenile edition of the text adapted by Arthur Rackham from 1928 was a replicate of the original it is filled with seven colored illustrations and numerous sketching. A young adolescent version adapted by Bryan Brown from 2001 has been abridged to accommodate the current young reader. The format is changed in Brownà ¢s edition. The yo... ... the retelling of the tale of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."    Works Cited and Consulted Dizard, Wilson, Jr. Old Media New Media: Mass Communications in The Information Age. New York: Longman, 2000. Fowles, Jib. The Case for Television Violence. California: Sage Publications, 1999. Irving, Washington. "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." Ed. Illustrated Arthur Rackham. United States: David McKay, 1928. Irving, Washington. "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." Ed. Bryan Brown. New York: Masterwork Books, 2001. Irving, Washington. "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." The Heath Anthology of American Literature. 3rd ed. Vol. 1. Ed. Jayne M. Fargnoli. New York: Houghton, 1998. 1354-1373. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Narr. Bing Crosby. Disney Mini Classic, 1949. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Dir. Tim Burton. Perf. Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci, 1999.    The Changing of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Essay -- Legend Sleepy Hol The Changing of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "Once upon a time" is the predictable beginning of a fairy tale and "happily ever after" is the ending. "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving is a classical myth that defies the conventional standards of a fairy tale. Set in a valley in New England, It's a gothic tale of mystery and suspense that bears no definite ending surrounding the myth of the "Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow" (Heath 1355). The original text created by Irving was intended for the mature reader, a reader who could understand a sense of irony, had knowledge of history, and taste. What of and how has "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" remained successful with audiences through a period of over one hundred and seventy years? The changes implemented in the text vary by editor from none to several, to create a family movie few changes were taken by Disney, but to create a mainstream movie the changes made by Director Tim Burton are many.    Over time the language of the original text of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Irving has been reworked to accommodate the change in audience. The Heath Anthology of American Literature has an unabridged version of the original wording (1354-1373). A complete copy of the original text of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" can be found in the young adolescent classic section of a bookstore or the juvenile section in the library. A juvenile edition of the text adapted by Arthur Rackham from 1928 was a replicate of the original it is filled with seven colored illustrations and numerous sketching. A young adolescent version adapted by Bryan Brown from 2001 has been abridged to accommodate the current young reader. The format is changed in Brownà ¢s edition. The yo... ... the retelling of the tale of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."    Works Cited and Consulted Dizard, Wilson, Jr. Old Media New Media: Mass Communications in The Information Age. New York: Longman, 2000. Fowles, Jib. The Case for Television Violence. California: Sage Publications, 1999. Irving, Washington. "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." Ed. Illustrated Arthur Rackham. United States: David McKay, 1928. Irving, Washington. "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." Ed. Bryan Brown. New York: Masterwork Books, 2001. Irving, Washington. "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." The Heath Anthology of American Literature. 3rd ed. Vol. 1. Ed. Jayne M. Fargnoli. New York: Houghton, 1998. 1354-1373. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Narr. Bing Crosby. Disney Mini Classic, 1949. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Dir. Tim Burton. Perf. Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci, 1999.   

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Personhood Essays -- essays research papers

Personhood What is a person? That sounds like a harmless question, but the answer can get very complicated. Is a person just a lump of skin, muscles, bones, and other materials? Is a person something immaterial like a mind or a soul? Or is a person a combination of these two things? Really there is no right answer, and it all depends on the point of view that you hold.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all, what is a body? Some say that a body is, like I said before, a lump of skin, muscles, bones, and other materials. Some say it is more than that. These people agree that the body is made up of skin, muscles, bones, etc., but they think the whole essence of personhood is in the body. They don’t believe in souls or minds, and they think that biological processes are the only processes that take place in a body. And when these processes cease to take place, death occurs, and since, to these people, a person is a body, life ends, and that is it. There is no after life, because there is nothing other than the body, and the body is gone. It is very true that biological things happen in your body, but are there other things that happen too?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That takes me to my next question: what is a soul? This question is a little harder to explain. To most people a soul is an essence, an invisible, immaterial entity. Most people associate a soul with the spiritual world. They say that a person is who they are because of their soul, not because of their body... Personhood Essays -- essays research papers Personhood What is a person? That sounds like a harmless question, but the answer can get very complicated. Is a person just a lump of skin, muscles, bones, and other materials? Is a person something immaterial like a mind or a soul? Or is a person a combination of these two things? Really there is no right answer, and it all depends on the point of view that you hold.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all, what is a body? Some say that a body is, like I said before, a lump of skin, muscles, bones, and other materials. Some say it is more than that. These people agree that the body is made up of skin, muscles, bones, etc., but they think the whole essence of personhood is in the body. They don’t believe in souls or minds, and they think that biological processes are the only processes that take place in a body. And when these processes cease to take place, death occurs, and since, to these people, a person is a body, life ends, and that is it. There is no after life, because there is nothing other than the body, and the body is gone. It is very true that biological things happen in your body, but are there other things that happen too?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That takes me to my next question: what is a soul? This question is a little harder to explain. To most people a soul is an essence, an invisible, immaterial entity. Most people associate a soul with the spiritual world. They say that a person is who they are because of their soul, not because of their body...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Living with a Disability Essay examples -- Personal Narrative, essay a

On many occasions teachers have asked, "Is the volume high enough for you?" while my class watches a television documentary. Many teachers in middle school imposed strict rules about where in the classroom I could sit. I've had coaches ask if I know sign language. And during my elementary years, the school insisted I meet with a learning specialist once a week to discuss my "feelings" about being hearing-impaired. All these restrictions were placed on me despite the fact that I was an above-average student and an aggressive athlete. Being hearing-impaired is something I have dealt with my entire life; by the time I was five years old, putting on hearing aids in the morning was just as normal as brushing my teeth. As a result of a supportive family and friends, I never believed that being hearing-impaired should limit my success in any way. During my 17 years, I have met many who are unfamiliar with hearing disabilities and deal with their ignorance by stereotyping me. In elementary school my principal told my parents I belonged in a school for the deaf. My classmates told me ...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Califonia Consort: Piano Quintet Essay

The consert was my first time and delightful that I had a opportunity to listen to classical music through the first concert, two Piano Quintets performed by Karen Follingstad, Alyze Dreiling, Susan Ung, Lorie Kirkell, Bert Turetzky at the Incarnation Lutheran Church on February, 19, 2012. The performance consisted of two pieces and the first piece performed was Piano quintet, Op 87 written by J.N. Hummel in the end of classic era and the second piece was Piano Quintet, Op 114 written by F. Schubert, also as well known as â€Å"The Trout.† It was interesting that Hummel composed this quintet in 1802, almost 20 years before Schubert wrote the Trout in 1819 and their composition were widely played during their lifetime; in addition, the both of them have a common in that those two are famous Piano quintets. I thought that the melodies were quite and resounded magnificently in my mind. I could even subconsciously focus on the notes and release feelings of tension. First of all, the Quintet Op.87 is a masterpiece; the first movement (Allegro E Risoluto Assai) at once captives and impresses the hearer with its power and passion. After this follows the Menuetto Y Trio, Largo, Allegra Agitato, is full of light-hearted merriment and ends with a brilliant and effective close. While listening to it, the melody reminded me of Mozart’s pianistic style and The Trout, which would be performed just next to it and, actually, Hummel studied with Mozart. Especially, the first movement of Quintet, OP.87 sounded like tango to me and it started with the violin by Alyze Dreiling, then, the piano sounded to make harmony. I felt that the piano sound was extremely live and rhythmical, whereas, the others created nervous tension for making harmony with the piano. As I said above, everything including Violin, Viola, Cello and Contrabass seemed to be harmony with another, the sound reflected to be able to emphasize each instrument and piano quintet. The second movement, Menuetto Y Trio, Allegro con fuoco, started quietly but, soon, it made a highly elated atmosphere which I was going into and let myself to the flow of continuing intensive melody. On the other hand, it sounded for me to ease tension occasionally. At that time, I could even felt melancholy strain. It repeated to raise tensions constantly, which it was the first time that the melody made me high tension emotionally and I was  impressed by the harmony of the piano quintet because I had never been to any orchestra or concert. After that, the third chapter, Largo, started and then, the sound of piano a bit went up with its fast pace and increased tension more and more, which I felt like sadness and depressed emotion; however, I could retrieve my mental stability by focusing on listening to it. My sentiment was raising highly as it was flowing fast little by little and, finally, was connected to the Finale, Allegra Agitato, the last movement. In the last movement, it became mild, warm and brighter again as if the first movement, the violin and cello sound much attracted my attention because of the wonderful and lilting sound. In the end of the Finale, it went up with high pace again and presented the peculiar principal theme which was of a somewhat martial feature. It ended up with the climax, tension of harmony. I could understand little why it is particularly interesting in its scoring and receive hummel’s great dramatic works by listening to it. Secondly, after Piano quintet, Op 87 performed, they played Piano Quintet, Op 114, widely known as The Trout. It was not first time to hear it but was first time to see the performance at the concert. It consists of five parts and is also immensely popular and famous because it was made by F .Schubert. As the name is The Trout, I felt the piano sound was fresh and animated as if trout was swimming lively from the first movement. When hiking the mountain and seeing the water of a brook, we can feel being full of life, animation and restfulness. I felt just like when I see the water of a brook and could even imagine the figure of trout. In the first movement, Allegro Vivace, the four instruments made harmony slowly based on the piano sound and, especially, the violin and cello stood out clearly. The powerful sound of the cello by Lorie Kirkell was so great and played a role as bridge. I was impressed by a merit of cello sound again and again. The second movement, Andante, was so lyrical melody that I could feel stability and richness like I had lived in village and been satisfied with my life; in addition, The three of the violin, viola and cello melodies definitely showed to advantage. I personally would like to listen to the music with lyricism because it radiates feeling of relaxation. From this part, I started to think this tune was made for cello because the cello sounded  ever-greater part of this music. After the second chapter, the third movement, Scherzo, was as if the piano and others were talking to each other to make harmony. It was greatly cheerful that it made me pleasant and it went up with fast pace. The light each sounds added zest to the melody. The reason why I listen to it again and again is this part because its flow was interesting to me like trout was playing in the water. In the fourth movement, Andantino, I felt different sensation of lilting due to the many times of playing a variation and foun d the other liveliness by hearing this chapter. This part was why it was named The Trout because it impresses that trout settles down to active, indeed. I also could imagine that trout was going all over in the water and playing; moreover, I could know this part was made of cheerful feature entirely. The Finale, Allegro Giusto, also was brimful of vigor. The four string instrument played theme and the piano repeated it in high speed. This part also made an impression which was fulfilled of vitality to me. I would like the music going on continuously fresh tune of the four string instrument’s sound. Somehow it made me feel like Hungary wanderer too because of the delightful melody. This performance was fascinating enough to hold attention of audiences. I was captivated by the great wonderful sound. By listening to these two piano quintets, I took a new step on the classic music. I was unfamiliar with classic music but, now, since I attended this concert, I sometimes listen to classic music and relieve stress. Now I realized that classical music has its own distinct charm compared to new age and the impression from the melody could be amplified when I appreciated musical pieces on the spot. It was today when I sank into a deep emotion with classic music, precious harvest to attend the great concert and listen to classic music.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Chinese Traditional Wedding

Chinese Traditional Wedding In the different culture, there are many different customs and traditions in festival celebrations. Wedding customs are one of the most representative and symbolic customs in revealing the differences. Wedding ceremony shows not only the love of couple or two families involved, but also reflects the heritage of Chinese civilization. Ever since ancient times, the most delightful moments in one’s life come with success in marriage and birth of son. Chinese wedding decorates with one primary color is red which causes the Western culture to find out how they celebrate their wedding.In this essay, I introduce to Chinese traditional wedding ceremony such as the symbols, preparation, and procession of wedding. According to Wang (1998), he explains a man side has the opportunities to choose what kind of a woman to be his wife or mother of his children. First, a man finds a woman to marry who has never dated with anyone before. Second, a man meets woman†™s parents to engage with her. Additionally some of marriages are blind because marriage is not built up from a love but it was a family connection.Marriage is being arranged between two families: pride and groom do not know each other. Without asking from their parents, many women were forced to marry with the men they never knew before. Lastly, Wang mentions that men are looking for a â€Å"value women† which means a woman appears â€Å"docile, quiet, and sweet. † He claims that a man marries only to virgin woman in fact prefer to a woman who have never dated with anyone else beside him. In the Chinese belief, a virgin woman gives honorable to her husband’s status and can bring love and peaceful to the family after a marriage.In a Chinese legend, Chinese people believe in god of love who ties a red string to bind man and woman into a loving couple. The power of red always bring the couple together even from a great distance. The color red becomes a dominant color in the wedding ceremony: red dragon, red wedding costume, red candle†¦etc. Red is a symbol of utmost double happiness and joy. During Chinese wedding ceremony, they choose the red peonies and orchid represent love, new family, safety and peace is the characteristic of Chinese culture (Xie, 1970).Unlike the flowers use in Western weddings, traditional Chinese never used white flowers in ceremonies except funeral. In the past, a family often hires a matchmaker to go search for a matching bride and groom as their parents’ requests. Then, both families get to know each other, and consult a fortune teller to analyze that the man and woman’s birthday, name, and other information. Chinese people believe that a marriage deal can be brokered unless the fortune teller tells that couple is good matching (Mack, 2007).It is Chinese culture to believe in supernatural. Contrary to Chinese culture, American culture just set a wedding date according to time availability. Ame rican people believe that a marriage needs to build up from love; not a family relationship. Xie explains that there are many things to prepare before a wedding date for both families. The traditional marriage is not only about two people but also two families cooperate together to celebrate this wedding. Both families prepare a meeting day to discuss about wedding of their daughter or son.Then, they come together to pick an auspicious day which they believe a lucky day according to astrological signs. After this meeting, this couple considers as legally engaged through both sides of parents. This gives an opportunity for the groom’s family prepares to send the gifts called â€Å"Grand Gifts or betrothal Gifts† to display their honest and financial ability to the bride’s family. Grand Gift is a set of gift to be represented to the bride’s family by groom’s family. All gifts should in even numbers meaning a love of couple.Furthermore, red eggs would wrap in pairs to a symbol â€Å"good things in double†. Li Shi Money is the amount of money to determine by groom’s family, usually contains the number 9 such as $99 or $999. The traditional Chinese beliefs still exist till today and the next future Chinese generation with a to hope to live in happiness and peace after married. Both families are busy to prepare for their daughter and son wedding in the few months before wedding. Bride’s family would prepare dowries which consist of the gifts that the bride would bring to her husband’s home after marriage.Once a woman marries, she considers as a part of her husband’s family. The value of the dowry is used for a woman’s status in her new position as a wife and a daughter-in-law. Her responsibility is not about her family anymore but her husband’s family (Mack, 2007). At the same time, Xie also mentions that the groom’s family is busy to decorate the bridal house or room such as â€Å"double happiness† signs, red dragon and phoenix design, and red candle to represent love to the last. The wedding’s unique ritual and tradition make the ceremony meaningful and solemn.The two rituals such as â€Å"Hair dressing and Capping rituals† would be held in the bride’s and groom’s house on the morning of the wedding day. â€Å"Hair dressing† ritual takes place in the bride’s home. Bride’s parents choose a lucky woman who lives with parents-in-law, children and husband, to help the bride to make her hair in a bun which was a common style for traditional married woman when she becomes an adult and a married person. Similarly, â€Å"capping† ritual takes place in the groom’s home, and hairstyle changing is usually done by his mother (Costa, 1997).According to Mack, the traditional wedding day is â€Å"the groom would bring a sedan chair with trumpet blaring to bring his bride to his family. † Fin ally, the last step is the tea ceremony when the new couple serves tea to their parents to show their respect to them. Moreover, the gloom parents give the gift with money to their daughter-in-law and son after drinking tea because this gift would encourage them to have children as soon as possible. After this ceremony, the new couple can have their private time together.Chinese wedding is complicate and too long because there are so many steps that the bride and groom have to follow before marriage or a day of marriage. If we compare to American wedding day, American people celebrate their wedding ceremony in church with a short amount of time. American parents give more right to their daughter or son to choose the day of their marriage, location of their marriage, and pick up their wedding costume (white). White color represents purify of woman with honest and love.The Chinese traditional wedding ceremony is considered a spiritual ceremony and the display of long history and herit age of China. This research paper divides into three general focus points such as symbol, preparation, and procession. First, the symbol is about the color represents the Chinese culture and how they believe about the legend tale. Secondly, both families prepare everything for their son and daughter in the wedding day. Thirdly, the process of wedding day when the bride and groom get to meet each other and the groom brings his wife to his home with love and joy. Chinese Traditional Wedding Chinese Traditional Wedding In the different culture, there are many different customs and traditions in festival celebrations. Wedding customs are one of the most representative and symbolic customs in revealing the differences. Wedding ceremony shows not only the love of couple or two families involved, but also reflects the heritage of Chinese civilization. Ever since ancient times, the most delightful moments in one’s life come with success in marriage and birth of son. Chinese wedding decorates with one primary color is red which causes the Western culture to find out how they celebrate their wedding.In this essay, I introduce to Chinese traditional wedding ceremony such as the symbols, preparation, and procession of wedding. According to Wang (1998), he explains a man side has the opportunities to choose what kind of a woman to be his wife or mother of his children. First, a man finds a woman to marry who has never dated with anyone before. Second, a man meets woman†™s parents to engage with her. Additionally some of marriages are blind because marriage is not built up from a love but it was a family connection.Marriage is being arranged between two families: pride and groom do not know each other. Without asking from their parents, many women were forced to marry with the men they never knew before. Lastly, Wang mentions that men are looking for a â€Å"value women† which means a woman appears â€Å"docile, quiet, and sweet. † He claims that a man marries only to virgin woman in fact prefer to a woman who have never dated with anyone else beside him. In the Chinese belief, a virgin woman gives honorable to her husband’s status and can bring love and peaceful to the family after a marriage.In a Chinese legend, Chinese people believe in god of love who ties a red string to bind man and woman into a loving couple. The power of red always bring the couple together even from a great distance. The color red becomes a dominant color in the wedding ceremony: red dragon, red wedding costume, red candle†¦etc. Red is a symbol of utmost double happiness and joy. During Chinese wedding ceremony, they choose the red peonies and orchid represent love, new family, safety and peace is the characteristic of Chinese culture (Xie, 1970).Unlike the flowers use in Western weddings, traditional Chinese never used white flowers in ceremonies except funeral. In the past, a family often hires a matchmaker to go search for a matching bride and groom as their parents’ requests. Then, both families get to know each other, and consult a fortune teller to analyze that the man and woman’s birthday, name, and other information. Chinese people believe that a marriage deal can be brokered unless the fortune teller tells that couple is good matching (Mack, 2007).It is Chinese culture to believe in supernatural. Contrary to Chinese culture, American culture just set a wedding date according to time availability. Ame rican people believe that a marriage needs to build up from love; not a family relationship. Xie explains that there are many things to prepare before a wedding date for both families. The traditional marriage is not only about two people but also two families cooperate together to celebrate this wedding. Both families prepare a meeting day to discuss about wedding of their daughter or son.Then, they come together to pick an auspicious day which they believe a lucky day according to astrological signs. After this meeting, this couple considers as legally engaged through both sides of parents. This gives an opportunity for the groom’s family prepares to send the gifts called â€Å"Grand Gifts or betrothal Gifts† to display their honest and financial ability to the bride’s family. Grand Gift is a set of gift to be represented to the bride’s family by groom’s family. All gifts should in even numbers meaning a love of couple.Furthermore, red eggs would wrap in pairs to a symbol â€Å"good things in double†. Li Shi Money is the amount of money to determine by groom’s family, usually contains the number 9 such as $99 or $999. The traditional Chinese beliefs still exist till today and the next future Chinese generation with a to hope to live in happiness and peace after married. Both families are busy to prepare for their daughter and son wedding in the few months before wedding. Bride’s family would prepare dowries which consist of the gifts that the bride would bring to her husband’s home after marriage.Once a woman marries, she considers as a part of her husband’s family. The value of the dowry is used for a woman’s status in her new position as a wife and a daughter-in-law. Her responsibility is not about her family anymore but her husband’s family (Mack, 2007). At the same time, Xie also mentions that the groom’s family is busy to decorate the bridal house or room such as â€Å"double happiness† signs, red dragon and phoenix design, and red candle to represent love to the last. The wedding’s unique ritual and tradition make the ceremony meaningful and solemn.The two rituals such as â€Å"Hair dressing and Capping rituals† would be held in the bride’s and groom’s house on the morning of the wedding day. â€Å"Hair dressing† ritual takes place in the bride’s home. Bride’s parents choose a lucky woman who lives with parents-in-law, children and husband, to help the bride to make her hair in a bun which was a common style for traditional married woman when she becomes an adult and a married person. Similarly, â€Å"capping† ritual takes place in the groom’s home, and hairstyle changing is usually done by his mother (Costa, 1997).According to Mack, the traditional wedding day is â€Å"the groom would bring a sedan chair with trumpet blaring to bring his bride to his family. † Fin ally, the last step is the tea ceremony when the new couple serves tea to their parents to show their respect to them. Moreover, the gloom parents give the gift with money to their daughter-in-law and son after drinking tea because this gift would encourage them to have children as soon as possible. After this ceremony, the new couple can have their private time together.Chinese wedding is complicate and too long because there are so many steps that the bride and groom have to follow before marriage or a day of marriage. If we compare to American wedding day, American people celebrate their wedding ceremony in church with a short amount of time. American parents give more right to their daughter or son to choose the day of their marriage, location of their marriage, and pick up their wedding costume (white). White color represents purify of woman with honest and love.The Chinese traditional wedding ceremony is considered a spiritual ceremony and the display of long history and herit age of China. This research paper divides into three general focus points such as symbol, preparation, and procession. First, the symbol is about the color represents the Chinese culture and how they believe about the legend tale. Secondly, both families prepare everything for their son and daughter in the wedding day. Thirdly, the process of wedding day when the bride and groom get to meet each other and the groom brings his wife to his home with love and joy. Chinese Traditional Wedding Chinese Traditional Wedding In the different culture, there are many different customs and traditions in festival celebrations. Wedding customs are one of the most representative and symbolic customs in revealing the differences. Wedding ceremony shows not only the love of couple or two families involved, but also reflects the heritage of Chinese civilization. Ever since ancient times, the most delightful moments in one’s life come with success in marriage and birth of son. Chinese wedding decorates with one primary color is red which causes the Western culture to find out how they celebrate their wedding.In this essay, I introduce to Chinese traditional wedding ceremony such as the symbols, preparation, and procession of wedding. According to Wang (1998), he explains a man side has the opportunities to choose what kind of a woman to be his wife or mother of his children. First, a man finds a woman to marry who has never dated with anyone before. Second, a man meets woman†™s parents to engage with her. Additionally some of marriages are blind because marriage is not built up from a love but it was a family connection.Marriage is being arranged between two families: pride and groom do not know each other. Without asking from their parents, many women were forced to marry with the men they never knew before. Lastly, Wang mentions that men are looking for a â€Å"value women† which means a woman appears â€Å"docile, quiet, and sweet. † He claims that a man marries only to virgin woman in fact prefer to a woman who have never dated with anyone else beside him. In the Chinese belief, a virgin woman gives honorable to her husband’s status and can bring love and peaceful to the family after a marriage.In a Chinese legend, Chinese people believe in god of love who ties a red string to bind man and woman into a loving couple. The power of red always bring the couple together even from a great distance. The color red becomes a dominant color in the wedding ceremony: red dragon, red wedding costume, red candle†¦etc. Red is a symbol of utmost double happiness and joy. During Chinese wedding ceremony, they choose the red peonies and orchid represent love, new family, safety and peace is the characteristic of Chinese culture (Xie, 1970).Unlike the flowers use in Western weddings, traditional Chinese never used white flowers in ceremonies except funeral. In the past, a family often hires a matchmaker to go search for a matching bride and groom as their parents’ requests. Then, both families get to know each other, and consult a fortune teller to analyze that the man and woman’s birthday, name, and other information. Chinese people believe that a marriage deal can be brokered unless the fortune teller tells that couple is good matching (Mack, 2007).It is Chinese culture to believe in supernatural. Contrary to Chinese culture, American culture just set a wedding date according to time availability. Ame rican people believe that a marriage needs to build up from love; not a family relationship. Xie explains that there are many things to prepare before a wedding date for both families. The traditional marriage is not only about two people but also two families cooperate together to celebrate this wedding. Both families prepare a meeting day to discuss about wedding of their daughter or son.Then, they come together to pick an auspicious day which they believe a lucky day according to astrological signs. After this meeting, this couple considers as legally engaged through both sides of parents. This gives an opportunity for the groom’s family prepares to send the gifts called â€Å"Grand Gifts or betrothal Gifts† to display their honest and financial ability to the bride’s family. Grand Gift is a set of gift to be represented to the bride’s family by groom’s family. All gifts should in even numbers meaning a love of couple.Furthermore, red eggs would wrap in pairs to a symbol â€Å"good things in double†. Li Shi Money is the amount of money to determine by groom’s family, usually contains the number 9 such as $99 or $999. The traditional Chinese beliefs still exist till today and the next future Chinese generation with a to hope to live in happiness and peace after married. Both families are busy to prepare for their daughter and son wedding in the few months before wedding. Bride’s family would prepare dowries which consist of the gifts that the bride would bring to her husband’s home after marriage.Once a woman marries, she considers as a part of her husband’s family. The value of the dowry is used for a woman’s status in her new position as a wife and a daughter-in-law. Her responsibility is not about her family anymore but her husband’s family (Mack, 2007). At the same time, Xie also mentions that the groom’s family is busy to decorate the bridal house or room such as â€Å"double happiness† signs, red dragon and phoenix design, and red candle to represent love to the last. The wedding’s unique ritual and tradition make the ceremony meaningful and solemn.The two rituals such as â€Å"Hair dressing and Capping rituals† would be held in the bride’s and groom’s house on the morning of the wedding day. â€Å"Hair dressing† ritual takes place in the bride’s home. Bride’s parents choose a lucky woman who lives with parents-in-law, children and husband, to help the bride to make her hair in a bun which was a common style for traditional married woman when she becomes an adult and a married person. Similarly, â€Å"capping† ritual takes place in the groom’s home, and hairstyle changing is usually done by his mother (Costa, 1997).According to Mack, the traditional wedding day is â€Å"the groom would bring a sedan chair with trumpet blaring to bring his bride to his family. † Fin ally, the last step is the tea ceremony when the new couple serves tea to their parents to show their respect to them. Moreover, the gloom parents give the gift with money to their daughter-in-law and son after drinking tea because this gift would encourage them to have children as soon as possible. After this ceremony, the new couple can have their private time together.Chinese wedding is complicate and too long because there are so many steps that the bride and groom have to follow before marriage or a day of marriage. If we compare to American wedding day, American people celebrate their wedding ceremony in church with a short amount of time. American parents give more right to their daughter or son to choose the day of their marriage, location of their marriage, and pick up their wedding costume (white). White color represents purify of woman with honest and love.The Chinese traditional wedding ceremony is considered a spiritual ceremony and the display of long history and herit age of China. This research paper divides into three general focus points such as symbol, preparation, and procession. First, the symbol is about the color represents the Chinese culture and how they believe about the legend tale. Secondly, both families prepare everything for their son and daughter in the wedding day. Thirdly, the process of wedding day when the bride and groom get to meet each other and the groom brings his wife to his home with love and joy.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Analyse the opening scenes of the film “Meet Joe Black” and discuss how death has been presented in the film

Imagine if the harsh harvester appeared personally to help dying people settle the little details of life that need to be handled before dying. In Meet Joe Black, a single man, who can take any bodily form, represents death. Rather than take life away for sport, he delights in the experiences that can be shared by those short on time but long on experience. Played by Brad Pitt, Joe Black. He enters into the lives of one family in a way that will change them forever. Anthony Hopkins plays a wealthy dying man of whom Joe Black wishes to understand and learn from. Black takes the body of a man who moments earlier had met, the daughter of blacks next victim. Black grows closer to her and subsequently learns about the little things in life that being an archetypical grim reaper would not normally be associated with Black. A compassionate grim reaper is the essence of the film †Meet Joe Black†, the personification of death wishing to learn from life! Analysis: Death has been presented in the form of a person. When we see Joe at the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ and then afterwards as death, they are two different souls. When we see Joe at the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, he is talking, and doing the right things. He is talking about life and he knows what to do, as well as knowing what to say. Where as Joe, (Spirit), walks incredibly strangely and at first he really doesn't know what to do and say, after a while he gets used to things. He eats peanut butter as if he hasn't eaten it before (which he hasn't.) American's love peanut butter, and it is quite strange to other people that he hasn't tried it before. The title of the film Meet Joe Black introduces us to someone. It seems welcoming. Joe is such a standard name, Allison said, ‘Joe was a nice name, and that it is strong and sturdy.' ‘Black' as in ‘Joe Black' seems very deep. The colour it self is likes something hidden. It symbolises something unpleasant. When I think of ‘death,' black normally comes to mind. Even to funerals black clothes are donned. It isn't a happy colour, so to funerals, people wear black to symbolise grief and sorrow. It's a painful colour, and to me, I think that is what black symbolises. It has hidden depths, and is very deep. There is a mixture of genres in this film. The different types of genres are romance and suspense. The romance scene's are between Joe and Susan. They fall in love. When Joe and Susan are talking, or whenever they are together, we can see that the camera angles are mid-shot so we can see there shoulders and above. Suspense is created when Joe dies in the car accident. Joe acts strangely and differently. It may seem strange to Susan who doesn't know that Black Is death. The genre of this film in my opinion is very mixed. It has romance, and it also has suspense. Once you figure out the film, and begin to realise what its all about you will definitely enjoy watching it. At the beginning of the film, when Bill Is having a heart attack, the scene seems scary, and for a moment, I thought Meet Joe Black was a horror film. Susan senses that there is something different with the Joe's that she meets. She obviously ignores it, and thinks that it's nothing. The reason why I think this is because at the very end of the film, when Joe comes back to life she senses that there is something different because she looks at him in a strange way, she seemed quite confused. It is almost as if she was staring at him. When Black (death) comes for supper at Bills house and meets Bill for the first time, Black then meets Susan. But it's the second time that Susan meets Black. Susan doesn't know that the two Joe's that she has met, are both totally different people. Black talks differently. This has a slight impact on Susan. I know this because when Susan confronted Black after the meal she said something along the lines of, â€Å"Why are you acting differently now?† At this moment .I got the idea that Susan may suspect something of Black, and knows that there is something different in him from the first time she had met him. People go to the cinema to relax, to get away from the house, to have some fun, and to be entertained. The sound, the big screen and the environment is much more pleasant than watching it at home. An excellent way of advertisement is a trailer of the film on the telly. The media also helps by publicising about the film on the television. Like premieres and reviews of the film. Death is symbolised as a person in this film. It begins from the point when Joe gets knocked over by two cars. The film continues and shows how Joe adapts to life, especially the different expressions in words, which he uses after a while. It's like being born again, because at first he doesn't know many words. But in Blacks case he wasn't really born, well not on this planet. In the beginning Black also walks strangely, soon he gets into the swing of things. His vocabulary also changes, when at the beginning he always used to say, †yes† frequently, but soon uses full sentences. Black also gets used to the surroundings for the short while he is with Bill, and day-by-day he learns and experiences new issues. During the course of the film Black falls in love with Susan, and so does Susan, who also feels the same way for Black. Susan and Joe kiss and also have sex in this film. It is very intimate and after sleeping together I feel that that they are inseparable, they are like one person, they really love each other a lot. At the end of the film, Black and Susan have a very heartbreaking and heartfelt goodbye. Events start occurring after Joe dies in the beginning of the movie. So Black then comes along in the film in the form of Joe. Death tells Bill that he is going to die. Bill makes a compromise with death. The compromise is that, death allows Bill to remain alive for a few days in order that Bill gives Black a taster of life on earth for a few days. Now Bill is on borrowed time to put his business in order. The characters in the film have all got something In common. In a way, all the characters have no sense of direction. The reason for this is because, at times, the characters do not know where they are going or even what they are going to do. Black is new to the craze of life on earth, and he doesn't know where things are going and leading too. This is the point for almost all of the characters in the film. They don't know what's going to happen next, and what lies ahead. It is a little like real life, you never know what is going to happen. The music used in the film is similar all the way through. Instruments used are, violins and mainly piano. There is a scary feel to the music. When Bill is having a heart attack at the beginning of the film that's when the scary feel to the music is at an extreme, and sudden point with the music being very tense. At times there was silences, during the film. The cover of Meet Joe Black has many things to consider. The lighting is on Joe. The colours used on the cover are blue and blacks. The lighting hits on the three key characters on the cover. The beaming light decreases slightly as you move on further from Joe (Black) who is played by Brad Pitt. Next are Bill and Susan. That's the lighting and it decreases in time as you go over in the row, the lighting shows that Joe/Black is the main character. The positions of the characters, on the front cover are that Joe (Black) is in the front which makes us believe he is the main character and has the lead role, which should really mean that the play i.e. film is based around him. William parish is behind Joe, in formatting (Position) of the characters on the front cover. Bill is looking at Joe, while Joe is looking straight ahead into the distance. As Bill is behind Joe it shows that Bill is lower than Joe in status, behind Bill is Susan. Susan is Bill's daughter. Susan is also looking at Joe, which leads us to think that everything revolves around Joe, which it does. The arrangements of the characters are in a zigzag form. The blurb on the cover is definitely useful. The title tries to welcome viewers to read it as well as watch the film. It is similar to a piece of persuasive writing. The title gives the viewer a clue about what the film may be about. But obviously every viewer will think differently, so perhaps this will carry temptation for what the film may be about and perhaps that's how you get high ratings in cinemas as well as the actors and actresses. Various things appeal to different people. The pictures also give of a certain vibe. In a way that the viewer will think ‘what's going on here, in this part'? The words have also been used in a spectacular way, the blurb and also newspapers comments on the film saying something along the lies of ‘This is a great film, it is a must see movie'. It tries to persuade people to watch it. If I was in a video store looking for a video to pick out and watch, and if I had read the blurb on the cover, and had also looked at the pictures, I'd definitely want to watch this film. I believe that there is life and death, and the last sentence on the blurb, â€Å"Bitter sweet tale of life and death.† Is very touching to me. It's also very catchy and means a lot in many different ways. I think that this film appeals to young people. The film is very romantic, I find the scene when Joe and Susan were departing from the coffee shop very overwhelming. It was a time of sorrow and shock, and not knowing whether they would get back together. First the two hearts meet and then depart, it was very sad. The reason why I thought it was shocking is because when Joe gets knocked over by the cars. I know that the both hearts are clenching to speak to each other and there was a sign of love as both Joe and Susan were continuously looking back at each other. Joe and Susan turned around a lot, as they departed, it showed they both liked each other very much. When Bill went into the library in his house and was going to meet Joe for the first time, I didn't understand because at first Bill was hearing voices and didn't know who it was until Joe came out of the curtains and saw Bill also for the first time, and for an instance I was really confused because Joe had said, ‘Bill would have to give Joe a taster of life' And then Bill would be able to leave his company in a reasonable position. In addition to Bill's business, drew is trying his best to take over the company. The company, that of which, Bill has tried to built from scratch. Death helps Bill near the end by regaining the company instead of losing it. During the course of the film Bill is going to celebrate his 65th birthday. His daughter Allison is preparing for it by organising a birthday bash. And on Bills birthday that is the day he is going to die. Marriage and relationships in the film have been symbolised very strangely. It's not like the normal relationships you may know. Susan and Drew are purposively supposed to be engaged and yet they don't show any affection, or some kind of love towards each other, like most couples. You can't tell that they are engaged. In fact I didn't even knew that they were engaged, until my teacher actually told me, it took me by surprise. I really couldn't believe it. The fact that these two people who are supposed to spend the rest of their lives together, aren't even in love. It is supposed to be special. You really should get married once in you're in life. It's supposed to be special. (Like a once in a lifetime opportunity). Which it isn't for them! It seems as though there is no love. For example, †Drew comes in from the helicopter and gives Susan a peck on the cheek.† Neither did he ask if she was ok, but just carried on with things. I have compiled some information from the Brittanica cd 2000, The motion picture has been defined as a series of images of space that are arranged in time of film language is quite different from that of reality and that conveyed by other arts, such as drama and literature. Showing the spectacular 24 frames, or still photographs, with dark intervals between them, energy second produces movement on the screen. Having created large new markets for its industry they decided to do the same abroad. Their objective coincided with the desire of the major American studios to extend their control of the international nation picture industry. Conclusion: Death symbolises something very deep. Its deep emotions, as it unfolds on us in a very different way. Death comes into the characters lives, and changes everything for them (life). This play really relates to the criteria of the 21st Century. Death plays a very important part as well as death having two different parts. Death touches many lives, as he falls in love with Susan, and has a slight bond with Bill. Meet Joe Black explores the honourable and material values surrounding and start from the powerful William Parrish (Anthony Hopkins) Parrish succeeds in seducing more than the viewer. He attracts the personification of his own fate, which quite literally knocks on his door. Arriving in the Parrish home after securing a body to materialize its presence, this â€Å"otherworldly† force, Death (personified as the handsome Joe Black, played by Brad Pitt), confronts his â€Å"host† with demands of learning from him those universal qualities the great man projects. Ultimately, Joe meets Susan, an encounter which tempts him to deviate from his mission, and which, ironically, proves to be a much higher lesson than he had bargained for. Meet Joe Black, is a film that dwells in its own energy, the rare luxury of its sets, and the irresistible charm of its people, all which portray a degree of elegance that pulls the viewer into a simply fantastic world.