Friday, July 26, 2019

Personal Development Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal Development Portfolio - Essay Example In order to more closely align myself with this aspect of my personality, I will have to develop my writing skills, to communicate my thoughts and ideas effectively, and to improve my research skills so that I can explore ideas and concepts which interest me thoroughly. QUESTION 2 Learning Styles and their Impact on Studying Preferences and Developmental Needs I have some challenges in understanding, absorbing, and interpreting texts in a fixed time. My learning style is reflective and thoughtful, so that I am able to make sure of my understanding of a concept, and then work on interpreting, adding to, or developing the concept. This does not mean that I am unable to deal with complex or abstract subject matter, but that my need is to approach it thoroughly, and creatively, rather than just to â€Å"know† it. ... QUESTION 3 Individual SWOT and Commentary It is clear that I will need to develop in the areas as revealed by my SWOT analysis. It is going to be difficult to concurrently study and work toward a career, while I improve my skills in reading, researching, critical thinking and expression. Nevertheless I believe that these are essential skills to guarantee success and satisfaction in a future career. Thus, I will set myself goals and milestones, at which I will be able to measure my progress toward being able to do these things at the level I want to. It is also true that while studying, these skills will grow according to necessity, and I do work with thoroughness and dedication, so what will be the issue is whether I have time to be able to complete what I have to. It is more to be able to create more efficiency in my work patterns that I want to focus and concentrate on the practical skills that will allow me to be and innovator, a thinker, and someone who can creatively apply his t hinking to tasks at hand. QUESTION 4 Bibliography Development Task Commentary The very specific format of the bibliography in the Harvard referencing style at first did provide me with some difficulty but the logic and clarity of the system soon allows the formatting to become almost second nature. Finding appropriate sources can also be challenging. It is tempting to look at the first source you find, and just record and use it. But learning to consider academic credibility, close relevance, and the current and latest information as criteria to select sources does not come naturally. It implies that the Internet is not always the best route, although it is the easiest and quickest. Variety is important, and sourcing journals, peer reviewed journals, online texts, and published texts,

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