Monday, August 5, 2019

Issues with Unlimited Police Powers

Issues with Unlimited Police Powers Police is enforcement is a vibrancy interpretation of the law, safeguarding citizens from threats of anti social elements qualifies to be the most decisive police job description. Crime is an act for which on may punished by law. A criminal describes someone who has broken the accepted laws of the country by his or her action. The police is the people who have power to bring criminals to justice. Clearly there are limits on a precincts ability to use its police power to control the persons and property of citizens. The general rule is that the means employed in the exercise of the police power can be neither arbitrary nor oppressive, and there must be a reasonable and substantial relationship between the means employed and the end to be attained. In today world, we are facing many incidents of police powers and their authority, if police have unlimited power when dealing with crime, the issue of corruption will be occur. The police corruption has been used to describe many activitie s such as bribery, violence, brutality, fabrication and destruction of evidence, favouritism and nepotism. Corruption of authority is when an officer receives some form of material gain by merit of their position as a police officer with violating the law. Police may use their authority to get some extra income when dealing with criminal. It is most commonly happen when police dealing with traffic offenders or maybe a murder. Police may receive some pocket money, when the traffic offenders are trying to escape from traffic tickets. It happens every day in our real life. Bribery will be happen if the murder criminal is a richer, they can even escaped arrested with money. So when bribery is happen, the richer criminals do not need to be punished by law. The truth cannot be found, the victim cannot find the murderer. The unsolved crime is gradually increased. Favoritism and nepotism also is the reason may cause innocent. Police may actually protect the people they would like to protect, such as their family even they are likely to be criminals. The fabrication and destruction of evidence may happen due to escape legal of sanctions. With such behavior, is often result more victims and more innocent events. This is actually unfair to the public. These are also the reason why we still have lot of unsolved crime in our country. Police are human, human are prone to error. Unlimited power means police dont have to abbey the law or the constitution. Meaning they are allow to do absolutely anything to the suspects of the crime. There is now the era of numerous incidents of police brutality against criminal suspects resulting in serious injuries and deaths. The police may use abuse on the suspects who may actually innocent. There have been several cases involving. This was certainly the case in the deaths of three innocent school boys who were shot dead by the police. The police said they ignored orders to surrender and opened fire at police personnel. It was great suspicion of foul play, because there is no witnesses, no police cars with bullet shots, no wounded policemen. Where there is a death by police shooting, the authority alleges that the deceased attacked and the police acted in self defense. Families of those shot dead have often protested that the deceased had no history or track record of any crimina l activity, again raising questions about the veracity of police claims. The police may assume the things they do to be helping society, such acts may include violence towards the suspect. However, the victim may feel unfair, but still, since the right is given to the police, they are not responsible in inflicting damages to the victim. A string of vicious murders by the police on suspects have left the nation loathe and distrust the police for the police force. It is very difficult to believe that these deaths are caused by the very institution is supposed to protect and preserve justice, even to those who are suspected individuals. This is not the usual situation of having to put up with police corruption, misconduct, mistreatment and heavy-handedness as part of our life everyday life. It will continue to happen as long as the police have the discretion and unlimited power in their hands to interpret as they like the Federal Constitution. Social unrest may also occur due to the police having unlimited powers, the victim may feel unfair due to police corruption. Riots might happen due to the seeking of justice for the victim may result. Social unrest may cause our country political unstable. Social unrest not only will cause the loss of many innocent lives, it will also in the drop of our economic level, Foreign investors will no longer take interest in investing in a country with internal conflicts. Such an incident is similar to that of the 1992 Los Angeles riots which were sparked when the jury acquitted four police officers accused in the videotaped beating of black motorist Rodney King when he resisted arrest. Looting, assault, arson and even murder occurred. The country took a long time to settle the unrest, resulting in loss of revenue for the country. This shows how a country can adversely affected due to unlimited powers given to the police, this all actually can be avoid. It is important to the government to overlook the effect of giving such right to the police before doing so ensure best to the country and its people. In my opinion, police should not have unlimited power when dealing with crime. Although the police have ether assumed or have been assigned responsibility for dealing with many more of complex crime and social problem, but their job is to service people. The mission of police is to control crime, we expect them to perform, a crime control role. They should not be giving authority to judge a criminal. Their job is to find out the criminal and left them to legal sanctions.

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