Sunday, August 18, 2019

Segregation in the College Student Center Essay -- University Student

Segregation in the College Student Center As I walked into the University Student Center after my Issues in Public Policy class one August day, a disturbing sight immediately struck me. For a moment I thought I needed to pinch myself because I felt as though I was having a horrible nightmare. Then, I thought that maybe I needed to check my calendar to make sure that I had not traveled back in time to the sixties when segregation was still an accepted practice in the United States. Much to my dismay, I was not dreaming, and it was still in the year 2000. As I continued to look around at my fellow students, my stomach churned, and it was not because I was hungry. The sight that lay before my eyes was not only very disturbing but also very common at the University. Although the Supreme Court in 1954 in Brown vs. The Topeka Board of Education declared segregation illegal, our student center today probably looks the way diners looked thirty years ago. Blacks are sitting in a secluded section of the Student Center; while whites ar e sitting in their own self-designated section. The segregation between blacks and whites in the Student Center is simply a natural occurrence between the two races. The University does not have guidelines on what section blacks and whites are supposed to sit in; nevertheless, blacks and whites naturally separate because of years of legal segregation. Segregation in our society has become a natural occurrence even though segregation is illegal today. The question that needs to be raised is "Why?" Why is de facto segregation still accepted in the United States? Why is a prominent city like Lexington still facing many of the problems it faced thirty years ago? The answers lie in our culture and our horrif... ...en the noblest of people cannot contain. It is a haunting ghost that no one can see, and it is the devil of our cities that many do not even know exist. Racial profiling, inequality, and segregation will remain in cities as long as our culture allows it. As long as we allow white supremacy and black inferiority to be prevalent in our culture, we are going to continue to have problems in our cities. Works Cited Adams, Jim. "Study: Police Stopped Blacks Twice As Often As Whites." The Courier-Journal 29 Oct. 2000: Al, All. Bell, Derrick. And We Are Not Saved. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1987. Mills, Charles W. The Racial Contract. London: Corneff University Press, 1997. Ogburn, William "Social Change and Race Rehitions." Race Relations. Eds. Jitsuichi Masuoka and Preston Valiem. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1961. 201.

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