Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Halakha, Jewish Religious Law And Religious Commandments

Halakha by definition is Jewish religious law, encompassing both civil and religious commandments and prohibitions. The word Halakha stems from the root meaning to walk. Halakha involves the study of law and customs in the Jewish religion. According to rabbinic law it must be performed to sanctify all life and attain redemption. This idea when introduced was a collection of rabbinic commentaries from the Hebrew bible or the torah. The importance of halakha among Judaism and its trends, ideas, theories etc. is the fact that halakha is trying to integrate itself into the world and not just strictly deal with Jews but integrate itself into the world of non-Jews. Halakha is derived from the oral and written torah. The laws can cover many†¦show more content†¦Responsa are the answers to questions Jews posed in the ancient days, the questions not addressed by halakhic law but questions posed in everyday life. The importance of responsa in Judaism is the fact that we have a physica l database so to speak on questions about Judaism or about practices, we have somewhere where the rabbis answered questions posed by the gaon and Jews of the era and even though they won’t correlate with some questions and situations we go through today as modern Jews in America, the basic questions of Judaism and basic concerns would be covered by the rabbis of the ancient times. The Talmud has many response within it, they cover business ethics, ethics, customs, etc. The most posed questions and answers to the responsa would be rules about ordinary incidents of life. ID: Samuel Ha nagid was born in 993-1055.Samuels real name was Samuel ibn Naghrillah but once he became an intellectual and a major part of Granada Jewry, he changed his name to nagid meaning â€Å"Chief†. Samuel ha nagid was a â€Å"statesmen and a military commander, scholar, and poet who reached the highest level achieved by a Jew in medieval Muslim Spain, serving as vizier of Granada and leading a Muslim army into battle.†(Efron,, glossary). Samuel HaNagid s importance

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