Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Management Is A Self Established Style Of Obtaining...

Management is a self-established style of obtaining measureable goals and expectations. When entering a new area as a manager you must immediately lay out your expectations to your employees and make sure everyone has a full understanding of them. If you do not already have measurable goals in place, you need to start creating them. Do not just tell your employees what goals are, but instead involve them in the goal setting process. Start with long term shop goals and work your way down to individual goals. Three general areas that you need to focus attention to are; people, processes, and resources, to include material. People are what make all things operational in any field. Diversity is a subject that will need continuous training to stay current on. If you have a group of individuals and not a team you are setting yourself up for failure. Find the strengths of each individual to make sure you are maximizing their skill sets. Communication is the key to any successful t eam and listening is as big of a part of communication as speaking. You cannot assume everyone processes information that is given the same. Change the way you communicate to fit the individual needs. A manager may know the terminology, how to create and maintain charts, and know the processes inside and out, but if you cannot manage the people you will eventually fail. It is imperative for a first-line manager to know his or her employees on a personal level to understand what they mightShow MoreRelatedPersonal Thinking Styles That Are Broken Down Into Three Styles1617 Words   |  7 PagesPersonal Thinking Styles The LSI, Life Styles Inventory, measures twelve specific patterns of thinking that are broken down into three styles described as follows: †¢ CONSTRUCTIVE Styles reflect self-enhancing thinking and behavior that contribute to one s level of satisfaction, ability to develop healthy relationships and work effectively with people, and proficiency at accomplishing tasks. †¢ PASSIVE/DEFENSIVE Styles represent self-protecting thinking and behavior that promote the fulfillmentRead MoreBa323 Exam Essay6817 Words   |  28 Pagesorganizational goals. 2. How does OD differ from a single-change technique such as management training? 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